# Default configuration file for SExtractor 2.19.5 # EB 2014-04-10 # #-------------------------------- Catalog ------------------------------------ CATALOG_NAME test.cat.fn1 # name of the output catalog CATALOG_TYPE ASCII_VOTABLE # NONE,ASCII,ASCII_HEAD, ASCII_SKYCAT, # ASCII_VOTABLE, FITS_1.0 or FITS_LDAC PARAMETERS_NAME default.param # name of the file containing catalog contents #------------------------------- Extraction ---------------------------------- DETECT_TYPE CCD # CCD (linear) or PHOTO (with gamma correction) DETECT_MINAREA 5 # min. # of pixels above threshold DETECT_MAXAREA 0 # max. # of pixels above threshold (0=unlimited) THRESH_TYPE RELATIVE # threshold type: RELATIVE (in sigmas) # or ABSOLUTE (in ADUs) DETECT_THRESH 3 # or , in mag.arcsec-2 ANALYSIS_THRESH 3 # or , in mag.arcsec-2 FILTER Y # apply filter for detection (Y or N)? FILTER_NAME config/gauss_5.0_9x9.conv # name of the file containing the filter FILTER_THRESH # Threshold[s] for retina filtering DEBLEND_NTHRESH 20 # Number of deblending sub-thresholds DEBLEND_MINCONT 0.05 # Minimum contrast parameter for deblending CLEAN Y # Clean spurious detections? (Y or N)? CLEAN_PARAM 1.0 # Cleaning efficiency MASK_TYPE CORRECT # type of detection MASKing: can be one of # NONE, BLANK or CORRECT #-------------------------------- WEIGHTing ---------------------------------- WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT # type of WEIGHTing: NONE, BACKGROUND, # MAP_RMS, MAP_VAR or MAP_WEIGHT RESCALE_WEIGHTS Y # Rescale input weights/variances (Y/N)? WEIGHT_IMAGE LGAL_IC342-nd-rrhr.fits # weight-map filename WEIGHT_GAIN Y # modulate gain (E/ADU) with weights? (Y/N) WEIGHT_THRESH # weight threshold[s] for bad pixels #-------------------------------- FLAGging ----------------------------------- FLAG_IMAGE flag.fits # filename for an input FLAG-image FLAG_TYPE OR # flag pixel combination: OR, AND, MIN, MAX # or MOST #------------------------------ Photometry ----------------------------------- PHOT_APERTURES 5 # MAG_APER aperture diameter(s) in pixels PHOT_AUTOPARAMS 2.5, 3.5 # MAG_AUTO parameters: , PHOT_PETROPARAMS 2.0, 3.5 # MAG_PETRO parameters: , # PHOT_AUTOAPERS 0.0,0.0 # , minimum apertures # for MAG_AUTO and MAG_PETRO PHOT_FLUXFRAC 0.5 # flux fraction[s] used for FLUX_RADIUS SATUR_LEVEL 50000.0 # level (in ADUs) at which arises saturation SATUR_KEY SATURATE # keyword for saturation level (in ADUs) MAG_ZEROPOINT 0.0 # magnitude zero-point MAG_GAMMA 4.0 # gamma of emulsion (for photographic scans) GAIN 0.0 # detector gain in e-/ADU GAIN_KEY GAIN # keyword for detector gain in e-/ADU PIXEL_SCALE 1.0 # size of pixel in arcsec (0=use FITS WCS info) #------------------------- Star/Galaxy Separation ---------------------------- SEEING_FWHM 1.2 # stellar FWHM in arcsec STARNNW_NAME default.nnw # Neural-Network_Weight table filename #------------------------------ Background ----------------------------------- BACK_TYPE AUTO # AUTO or MANUAL BACK_VALUE 0.0 # Default background value in MANUAL mode BACK_SIZE 64 # Background mesh: or , BACK_FILTERSIZE 3 # Background filter: or , BACKPHOTO_TYPE GLOBAL # can be GLOBAL or LOCAL BACKPHOTO_THICK 24 # thickness of the background LOCAL annulus BACK_FILTTHRESH 0.0 # Threshold above which the background- # map filter operates #------------------------------ Check Image ---------------------------------- CHECKIMAGE_TYPE SEGMENTATION,BACKGROUND,-BACKGROUND,OBJECTS,APERTURES,FILTERED # can be NONE, BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND_RMS, # MINIBACKGROUND, MINIBACK_RMS, -BACKGROUND, # FILTERED, OBJECTS, -OBJECTS, SEGMENTATION, # or APERTURES CHECKIMAGE_NAME segmentation.fits,back.fits,minusback.fits,objects.fits,apertures.fits,filtered.fits # Filename for the check-image #--------------------- Memory (change with caution!) ------------------------- MEMORY_OBJSTACK 3000 # number of objects in stack MEMORY_PIXSTACK 300000 # number of pixels in stack MEMORY_BUFSIZE 1024 # number of lines in buffer #------------------------------- ASSOCiation --------------------------------- ASSOC_NAME sky.list # name of the ASCII file to ASSOCiate ASSOC_DATA 2,3,4 # columns of the data to replicate (0=all) ASSOC_PARAMS 2,3,4 # columns of xpos,ypos[,mag] ASSOCCOORD_TYPE PIXEL # ASSOC coordinates: PIXEL or WORLD ASSOC_RADIUS 2.0 # cross-matching radius (pixels) ASSOC_TYPE NEAREST # ASSOCiation method: FIRST, NEAREST, MEAN, # MAG_MEAN, SUM, MAG_SUM, MIN or MAX ASSOCSELEC_TYPE MATCHED # ASSOC selection type: ALL, MATCHED or -MATCHED #----------------------------- Miscellaneous --------------------------------- VERBOSE_TYPE NORMAL # can be QUIET, NORMAL or FULL HEADER_SUFFIX .head # Filename extension for additional headers WRITE_XML N # Write XML file (Y/N)? XML_NAME sex.xml # Filename for XML output XSL_URL file:///usr/local/share/sextractor/sextractor.xsl # Filename for XSL style-sheet NTHREADS 1 # 1 single thread FITS_UNSIGNED N # Treat FITS integer values as unsigned (Y/N)? INTERP_MAXXLAG 16 # Max. lag along X for 0-weight interpolation INTERP_MAXYLAG 16 # Max. lag along Y for 0-weight interpolation INTERP_TYPE ALL # Interpolation type: NONE, VAR_ONLY or ALL #--------------------------- Experimental Stuff ----------------------------- PSF_NAME default.psf # File containing the PSF model PSF_NMAX 1 # Max.number of PSFs fitted simultaneously PATTERN_TYPE RINGS-HARMONIC # can RINGS-QUADPOLE, RINGS-OCTOPOLE, # RINGS-HARMONICS or GAUSS-LAGUERRE SOM_NAME default.som # File containing Self-Organizing Map weights